
Frequently asked questions


How long does it take to ship my order?

Our orders are generally processed within 1 to 3 days.

Depending on your location, shipping can take anywhere between 7 to 14 days.

We understand this may be a bit long, but please bear with us as we work on reducing our fulfillment and shipping times!

How do I track my order?

Orders can be easily tracked under your account information. To track an ongoing order, head over to the orders tab in the top right and click track.

Can I edit or cancel an ongoing order?

Yes! We understand that mistakes happen.

At the moment, we can only change orders that have not been processed for shipping yet. Once your order is under the status shipping or delivered, we cannot accept any edits to your order.

To make changes to your order, head over to your order and click the Edit order button.

For additional help, please contact customer service.

Can I return or exchange an item?

Of course! If you have received a defective item, we'll be happy to process an exchange at no additional cost.

Additionally, if you are not satisfied with your product, we will gladly provide you a refund as long as it satisfies our 30 day return policy.

Please reach out to our support team for assistance on these issues.


How do I change my password

To change your password, head over to account information and click change password.

Can I manage my shipping addresses?

Yes! We allow the ability to edit, add, and remove multiple addresses. To manage your addresses, head over here.

Can I delete my account?

At any moment, if you decide that you no longer need your account, please contact support to request an account removal.

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